Woman’s Club of Ramsey helps people locally and throughout the world.
We’re active women who support each other and their community.
In Woman’s Club of Ramsey, we enjoy making a contribution to those in need while strengthening the friendships that bring joy to our lives. We’re women of all ages — homemakers, businesswomen, teachers, nurses, corporate executives and retirees — who combine our skills to provide community service. The door to the Club is always open — new and prospective members are invited to come to our meetings and our luncheons. You don’t have to live in Ramsey to join the Club.

The Club is part of an international federation of women’s clubs. Woman’s Club of Ramsey is a member of the Ramapo District of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC). NJSFWC, founded in 1894, has 6,000 members in 165 clubs throughout the state. And NJSFWC is a member of the international General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), the world’s oldest and largest women’s volunteer service organization. GFWC clubs helped establish 75 percent of America’s public libraries. They also supported the first child labor laws and the development of programs for senior safety, suicide prevention, and alcohol and drug abuse education.
Our projects address the concerns of the sick, the disabled and the needy, as well as matters that better the life of people in our community and the nation. Projects are suggested by the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC). Using their expertise, we maintain the freedom to mold their projects to suit Ramsey’s needs.
We meet from September through June on the third Thursday of each month at 1 pm in the Ramsey Senior Center, 75 E. Oak St., Ramsey NJ 07446. The Ramsey Senior Center is near the Municipal Pool.
Our annual dues are $35, payable by March 1. GFWC and the NJSFWC receive $25 from each dues payment to further their work on national service projects.
We’re proud to make a difference — in ourselves, our town and the world. In the Club, you’ll partner with energetic, fun-loving women to help those in need. You’ll have opportunities for personal growth as you develop leadership skills and work with business and public officials. And you’ll discover new paths toward self-enrichment as you share your creative talents with women with similar interests or backgrounds.
Remember — you don’t have to live in Ramsey to join the Club.
We invite you to join us as we work to reach our goals.