Woman’s Club of Ramsey: Making a Difference, One Project at a Time.
We work with friends to better our community and the world.
Be part of our team — you don’t have to live in Ramsey to join the Club!
We keep busy throughout the year …
We support our community. We’re active women of all ages with diverse life experiences — homemakers, businesswomen, teachers, nurses, executives and retirees — who combine their skills to provide community service when and where it is needed. For more than a century, Woman’s Club of Ramsey has helped Ramsey maintain its library, fire department, ambulance corps, parks and schools.
We meet new friends. Our circle of friends grows as we share our talents with women with similar interests and goals. We’re proud that we helped make Ramsey a wonderful place to live, and we’re grateful that lending a hand to people in need enriches our own lives.
We enjoy monthly meetings. Our meetings aren’t just planning sessions — they feature local chefs, craft nights, and special talks on art, gardening, local history and other popular topics.
We fill our social calendar. We enjoy holiday parties and summer picnics, gather for luncheons and potluck meals, and celebrate new members at a May installation luncheon.
We’re proud of our achievements. We develop leadership skills and discover new paths toward self-enrichment. Personal growth is fostered at an Achievement Day luncheon recognizing outstanding creative work — handicrafts, baking, photography, art, and more. Performing Arts Day gives everyone a chance to take center stage. And, at the annual conventiion of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs, we celebrate the power of women working together, one project at a time, to make a difference in their towns and in the world.
Here’s the latest news …
Our Welcome Back luncheon kicks off the fall season this Thursday. We’ll greet new members and plan our next fundraiser, the Apple Festival at the Farmers’ Market on Sunday, September 22.
A big thank-you to everyone who bought Flower Power Crafts at our Ramsey Day booth — paper flowers, flower necklaces, shadowbox art and beautifully boxed soap flowers. — plus funny plant markers, keychains, quote necklaces and earrings. Kids loved our critter zipper pulls!
Here’s good news for women want to join the Club but are busy during the day: In September, we’ll have evening meetings on the fourth Thursdays of each month! Join us at the Ramsey Senior Center for refreshments and a get-acquainted chat on Thursday, September 26, at 7 p.m.
At our August 4 Peach Festival, we enjoyed greeting visitors to the Farmers’ Market by handing out cups of peaches and cream. Generous donations, plus the sale of soap flowers and paper flowers raised funds needed to support our local projects.
We made major donations in July. On July 11, the Club gave checks to Ramsey Responds, to aid Ramsey residents in need, and to Several Sources Shelters, to support programs for pregnant women and their babies. The next week, the Ramsey Volunteer Ambulance Corps and the Ramsey Rescue Squad gathered to accept their checks, and we sent a donation to the Tommy Strong Foundation to help children hospitalized with cancer.
Every June, the Club sends a deserving senior to the Ramsey High School Prom. The school chooses the girl (her identity is top secret!), and we send her on a shopping spree. This year’s lucky senior sent us a thank-you note to tell us she had a wonderful time.
At the New Resident Mixer at the Ramsey Pool in June, we handed out bookmarks, flyers and application forms to invite newcomers to join the Club. There’s more info on the Join Us menu.
We kicked off our Farmers’ Market festivals the first Sunday in June, when we served free strawberry shortcake at the Ramsey train depot. Fun fact: When the depot was built in 1868, it wasn’t meant for passengers — it was to carry “red gold,” the strawberry crop of 50,000 baskets daily, from Ramsey.
Our 21st Heirloom Tomato & Veggie Plant Sale drew crowds to the Masonic Lodge parking lot in May. A big thank-you to local gardeners, who came early, chose their favorite plants, and dashed home to get their gardens started.
Keep bringing food to the St. Paul’s Food Pantry! Take your donations of shelf-stable items directly to the Food Pantry bins at the rear of the St. Paul’s parking lot.
The door to the Club is always open — let’s get to know each other.
Woman’s Club of Ramsey, NJSFWC of GFWC
Governing Committee: Pat Bernius, Janet Klein, Linda Korsen, Tina Pellicciari, Dorothy Verdone
Woman’s Club of Ramsey belongs to
the Ramapo District of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC),
a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC).