Community service rewards everyone.
It’s fun to raise funds with friends.
We enjoy greeting everyone at our Strawberry, Peach and Apple Festivals at the Farmers’ Market, and at our Ramsey Day booth, and we sell our popular Flower Power crafts at all those events. We’re happy that for 21 years local gardeners have found their favorites veggies and herbs at our May Heirloom Tomato & Vegetable Plant Sale. And we’re especially pleased that our popular What’s What In Ramsey booklet, with essential information and more than 100 recipes, has become a valued resource for town residents.

Supporting Ramsey is a time-honored tradition.
Ramsey’s Veterans Park, Library, Historical Society, Ambulance Corps, Fire Department and High School Scholarship Program have all received our help. On Memorial Day and Veterans Day we honor those who served our country. We award scholarships to high school seniors, and pay prom expenses for a deserving girl recommended by the high school. And every month we bring food to St. Paul’s Food Pantry.
Our community projects include:
Ramsey Volunteer Ambulance Corps
Ramsey Free Public Library
Ramsey High School Prom Girl Program
Ramsey High School Scholarship Program
Ramsey Responds
St. Paul’s Food Pantry
Tommy Strong Foundation

We presented a check to the Ramsey Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

The Ramsey Volunteer Fire Department turned out to thank us for our donation.
Federation projects make an impact in the nation and in the world.
Our NJSFWC Special State Project for 2025-2027 is the New Jersey Children’s Alliance, which promotes hope, healing and justice for child abuse victims in New Jersey. We contribute to CASA, New Jersey (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children), which provides advocates for children in Family Court to ensure their safety and well-being. We donate funds to provide holiday stockings for our troops overseas. We also support programs for victims of domestic violence, making contributions at the local level. We contribute to the Girls Career Institute at Douglass College, which encourages high school junior girls to explore women’s issues. Our donations to HOBY, which provides 70 leadership seminars across the country, enables high school sophomores to hone their leadership talents and apply them to become effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, workplace, and community.
Our nationwide projects include:
CASA for Children
HOBY (Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership
New Jersey Children’s Alliance
Operation Holiday Stocking
Please help us help others — click on the QR codes to donate to the Woman’s Club of Ramsey.
Every penny of your contribution will help the sick, the disabled and the needy,
as well as better the lives of people in our community, the nation, and the world.