We love to look through our photo album.

The February Lunch Bunch gathering, at Mahwah Pizza and Pasta, included Betty Green, Joanne Tesoriero, Pat Kelly, Lana Roytshteyn, Marjorie Perry, Karen Pevny, Fran Mahon, Pat Bernius, Dorothy Verdone, Paula Bartow and Eileen Lobaugh. There was a lot to discuss — Dorothy urged everyone to clean out their closets because we’ll be raising funds by participating in the town-wide garage sale on May 3, and plans are moving forward for our Heirloom Tomato and Veggie Plant Sale in the Masonic Lodge parking lot on May 17.

Dylan Poppe, a talented 13-year-old who will be appearing soon in “Billy Elliot” at the Antrim Playhouse, treated the Club to a special tap-dancing performance in February. Dylan’s proud mom, Sara Poppe, standing at the right, is a member of the Club.

Elaine Santiago of Several Sources Shelters came to our February meeting to tell us how we can help her organization save babies’ lives and shelter and support their mothers.

The Lunch Bunch turned out on a cold January day to meet at Anthony’s Coal-Fired Pizza. Enjoying the gathering are, from left, Joanne Tesoriero, Katie Parker, Cathy Lynch, Sara Fisher Poppe, Dorothy Verdone, Tina Pellicciari, Pat Bernius, Fran Mahon, Karen Pevny, Marjorie Perry and Pat Kelly.

At our January meeting, we gave Harris Recht of Ramsey Responds 22 birthday cake kits to distribute to families struggling to afford basic foods so that they can celebrate birthdays with a special treat. The kits are packaged in a 9 x 13″ baking tin and include the Sprite Birthday Cake recipe, cake mix, a can of Sprite, frosting, candles, and party plates. Harris explained how Ramsey Responds provides local residents who are in financial need with assistance towards rent, mortgage, utilities and food.

At the November Club meeting, members planned their next Lunch Bunch gathering, decided to assemble birthday cake kits for local families in need, and practiced napkin folds to add zip to holiday table settings.

Enjoying a mid-November pre-holiday Happy Hour at Shannon Rose are, from left, Betty Green, Katie Parker, Joanne Tesoriero, Pat Kelly, Janet and Tom Klein, Linda (taking the photo) and Hap Korsen, Toni Small, and Dorothy and Joe Verdone.

The Lunch Bunch enjoyed an October outing to Rosario’s Trattoria in Midland Park. Looking forward to a great meal are, from left, Dorothy Verdone, Kim Campbell, Eileen Lobaugh, Betty Green, Karen Penny, Marjorie Perry, Elaine Muzzillo, Pat Bernius, Katie Parker, Joanne Tesoriero, Pat Kelly and Janet Klein.

Yadira Reyes, a senior at Ramsey High School, visited the Club in October to research her profile project, which focuses on women’s health and issues related to pregnancies. Members enjoyed a lively discussion about the changes in pre-natal care and social attitudes over the past decades.

Katie Parker, right, receives a Ramsey Volunteer of the Year award from Councilwoman Sara Poppe and Mayor Deidre Dillon. Janet Klein, Club Treasurer, read Katie’s Citation, which read: “Katie Parker, a club member since 2014, is a gracious hostess at our meetings, providing refreshments, welcoming new members, and serving everyone with a friendly smile. At our Farmers’ Market events, Katie is the first to arrive and last to leave, working all day dishing out strawberry shortcake, peaches and cream, or apple cake while she encourages everyone to help fill our donation jar. Katie is an untiring volunteer who for ten years has helped the Woman’s Club raise funds for charities and local organizations.“

Pat Bernius, who organized the September Apple Festival, portions out apple cake with whipped cream for visitors to the Farmers’ Market. Helpers included Lana Royshteyn, Janet Klein and Katie Parker. Cathy Lynch and Marjorie Detweiler also pitched in, and Dorothy Verdone and Fran Mahon helped bake apple cakes. The not-so-secret recipe for the popular dessert is in the Club’s “What’s What In Ramsey” booklet.

We greeted new members at our September Welcome Back luncheon meeting. We planned our next round of fundraisers and set a date for our first Lunch Bunch restaurant outing.

Dorothy Verdone, who planned our Ramsey Day booth, helps visitors pick out Flower Power crafts — paper flowers, shadowboxes, beautiful soap flowers, and lots more. Kids loved our necklaces and critter keychains!

The Woman’s Club team serving peaches and cream at the Farmers’ Market August Peach Festival included, from left, Janet Klein, Tina Pellicciari, Katie Parker, Dorothy Verdone and Pat Bernius. At right, Lana Royshteyn displays fresh flowers and gift boxes of soap flowers.

On July 18, Hunter Torchin, Assistant Chief of the Ramsey Rescue Squad, accepted a donation from Janet Klein, Dorothy Verdone and Pat Bernius, representing the Club. The Ramsey Rescue Squad is an independent, volunteer-based, heavy rescue squad that’s known as the number one rescue company in the region.

The Ramsey Volunteer Ambulance Corps turned out on July 17 to accept a donation from the Woman’s Club of Ramsey. Treasurer Janet Klein hands a check to Jane Simon, President of the Corps; Club members Dorothy Verdone and Pat Bernius accompanied Janet for the presentation. This year, the donation was made in honor of Chuck Schucht, whose recent passing was a great loss to the Ambulance Corps and the community he served.

July 11 was a double-donation day: The Club gave funds to Ramsey Responds, which aids Ramsey residents in need, and to Several Sources Shelters, which helps pregnant women and their babies. Top, Harris Recht of Ramsey Responds accepts a check; bottom, Elaine Santiago, in blue, receives a donation from Club Treasurer Janet Klein. From left, both photos, Tina Pellicciari, Pat Bernius and Dorothy Verdone represented all the members.

At the June mixer at the Municipal Pool, we handed out bookmarks to invite women to begin a new chapter in their lives by joining the Club. At our table, Dorothy Verdone, Pat Bernius, Tina Pellicciari and Janet Klein welcomed newcomers with flyers and application blanks.

Katie Parker, Janet Klein, Lana Roytshteyn, Tina Pellicciari and Pat Bernius served cups of strawberry shortcake to raise funds at the June Strawberry Festival. Eileen Lobaugh, Betty Green, Julliet Borgersen and Margaret Wellman also helped, and Linda Korsen sold Flower Power Crafts. Thanks to the support of the Farmers’ Market, the Club raised hundreds of dollars to contribute to local charities.

Dorothy and Joe Verdone represented the Club at this year’s Memorial Day ceremony, which was held in Ramsey High School because of the possibility of inclement weather. Every Memorial Day, the Club sends a wreath to be placed at Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Veterans Park to commemorate our fallen military heroes.

Customers lined up early at the Club’s 21st annual Heirloom Tomato & Veggie Plant Sale on May 18 in the parking lot of the Masonic Lodge.

Tina Pellicciari, in yellow, was first to arrive at the pre-order table and was joined by, from left, Betty Green, Janet Klein, Elaine Muzzillo, Pat Bernius, Julliet Borgersen and Lana Roytshteyn. Lana had put up signs throughout Ramsey and worked hard all day to ensure the success of the sale. Rose Ippolito brought coffee and donuts to fortify the others who pitched in — Fran Mahon, Bette Moore, Marjorie Detweiler, Mia Howard, Eileen Lobaugh, and Linda Korsen, who sold plant markers to raise extra funds.

At the May installation luncheon, Ramapo District Vice President Tina Ree, right, presented the five members of the newly elected Governing Committee with colorful scarves to symbolize the ties that unite members of the Club. Accepting the honor are, from left, Linda Korsen, Janet Klein, Pat Bernius, Dorothy Verdone and Tina Pellicciari.

At the Club table at the April District Council and Achievement Day event at Portobello Banquets in Oakland were, from left, Lana Roytshteyn, Fran Mahon, Pat Bernius, Tina Pellicciari, Betty Green, Rose Ippolito, Margaret Wellman, and Linda Korsen, who took the photo. Rose reported on the year’s fundraising events, Lana received a gold ribbon for her soap flower party favor, and Linda took home a gold ribbon for a paper flower shadowbox and a blue ribbon for a watercolor.

This year’s theme at Performing Arts Day in March was “Red, White and Blue — And You.” Marjorie Detweiler, second from right, gave a talk about how clubwomen support their country in times of peace and war, and Rose Ippolito, Pat Bernius, Tina Pellicciari and Dorothy Verdone handed out keepsake flyers with more information.

Visitors to the Farmers’ Market on February 25 flocked to Winter Warm-Up, our newest fundraiser. Members of the Woman’s Club of Ramsey served hot chocolate at the train depot and sold beautiful soap flowers and paper flower bouquets and wall art. Generous donations and craft sales brought in raised much-needed funds for local charities.

The Woman’s Club of Ramsey filled Operation Safety Net gift bags with emergency supplies of toiletries for abused women arriving at the Center for Hope and Safety. CHS representative Diana Dloughy, second from right, spoke about the programs available at the Center, and Club members who helped fill bags are, from left, Lana Roytshteyn, Janet Klein, Tina Pellicciari, Bette Moore, Rose Ippolito, Katie Parker, Eileen Lobaugh, Betty Green, Fran Mahon, Pat Bernius, Terry Gandia and Margaret Wellman.

Rainy weather didn’t keep shoppers from the September 24 Apple Festival, and hundreds of cups of free apple cakes were served. Councilman Mike Gutwettter enjoyed his treat with, from left, Tina Pellicciari, Marjorie Detweiler, Dorothy Verdone, Pat Bernius and Katie Parker.

Pat Bernius organized a 2023 Christmas in July lunch and weeklong fundraiser for the Tommy Strong Foundation, which aids hospitalized children. Christine FitzPatrick. left, thanks members who gave toys and gift cards.

At Ramsey’s June 2023 New Resident Mixer at the Municipal Pool, Kathy Ambrose, Fran Mahon, Pat Bernius, Bette Moore and Tina Pellicciari welcomed newcomers, invited women to join the Club, and handed out leaflets for the Christmas in July luncheon.

Workers setting up the June Strawberry Festival were Janet Klein, Pat Bernius, Tina Pellicciari, Kathy Ambrose, Joe and Dorothy Verdone and Katie Parker.

Former Club President Marjorie Detweiler and Dorothy Verdone show off the wreath the Club donated to celebrate Memorial Day in 2023. In the 1920’s, the Woman’s Club helped arrange for land to be donated for Bonny View Park, now known as Veterans Park at Bonny View, and its centerpiece is the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, a memorial to our veterans.

Rain didn’t keep the Woman’s Club of Ramsey from holding its 20th annual Heirloom Tomato & Veggie Plant Sale in May 2023. Kathy Ambrose, who organized the event, and Tina Pellicciari and Janet Klein helped Ramapo District Vice President Tina Ree select plants for her garden.

At the town-wide garage sale in Tina Pellicciari’s driveway in May 2023, Pat Bernius, in grey, hugs Janet Klein, showing that everybody loves a treasurer when funds are being raised for Club projects. The event brought in hundreds of dollars from the sale of household items.

Betty Green, Tina Pellicciari, Pat Bernius and Julliet Borgersen attended the April 2023 Achievement Day luncheon at Indian Trail Club. Pat read the Club’s report on its fundraising activities, the Club received a Certificate of Merit as Best All Around Advocates for Children, and Linda Korsen’s watercolor won a blue ribbon.

Marjorie Detweiler continued the Club’s tradition of presenting historical highlights at Performing Arts Day in March 2023. Marge spoke about the history of the NJSFWC flower, the lily of the valley, and NJSFWC colors, Continental Blue and Buff, and gave out flyers telling the story.

At the January 2023 luncheon and new member get-together, Club members assembled Operation Safety Net gift bags of emergency toiletries for abuse victims who arrive at the Center for Hope and Safety. Filling bags are, from left, Kathy Ambrose, Bette Moore, Pat Bernius, Julliet Borgersen, Margaret Wellman, Eileen Lobaugh, Tina Pellicciari, Fran Mahon and Elaine Muzzillo. Betty Green, inset, counted 40 bags ready for delivery.

On December 1, 2023, Club members gathered at Ramsey Golf & Country Club to celebrate the start of the holiday season. Attending the luncheon were Janet and Tom Klein, Rose Ippolito, Pat Bernius, Sunny Whittaker, Kathy Ambrose, Fran Mahon, Katie Parker, Margaret Wellman, Betty Green, Dorothy and Joe Verdone and Linda and Hap Korsen. Pat presented new members with decorative copies of the Collect.

Tara, the popular “bag lady” who sells WeBe Bags at the weekly Ramsey Farmers’ Market, spoke at the Club’s November 2023 meeting. Tara overcame many obstacles to create and market her eco-friendly bags made from up-cycled coffee, bean, rice and feed bags. Special visitors, back row at left, were NJSFWC Ramapo District.

Nancy Boone, manager of the award-winning Ramsey Farmers’ Market, visited the October 2023 meeting to tell the Club how the award-winning market was started and its importance to the Borough today. The Farmers’ Market supports the Club’s Strawberry, Peach and Apple Festivals, a major source of donations to our charitable projects.

Club members were proud as peacocks as they handed out peacock feathers to draw visitors to the Club’s 2022 Ramsey Day booth. Working the crowd were, from left, Rose Ippolito, Kathy Ambrose, Pat Bernius, Dorothy Verdone, Tina Pellicciari and Marjorie Detweiler.

In May 2022, Pat Bernius, left, organized a Baby Shower Luncheon at Ramsey Golf & Country Club to aid young mothers and babies being cared for by Several Sources Shelters. Venetta Ellerbe of Several Sources Shelters opens layettes and other presents — thanks, everyone, for your generous gifts!